Photo a day Julho

Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos

aqui segue o novo desafio para o próximo mês.
Vamos lá!
Estão a portar-se muito bem!
Depois enviem o mês de junho para [email protected]

What do the prompts mean?

There are no rules when playing along with photo a day, you can be creative as you like! Interpret the prompt as you please. For those that need a little help, some more suggested details about each prompt are below:
1. Happiness is…: Share a photo of something that represents happiness to you.
2. Shoes: You know, those things you wear on your feet.
3. Cold: In my part of the world it’s winter, so cold is all around. How can you show the cold in a photo?
4. Red, white or blue: Pick a colour and share it for Independence Day {in the USA}.
5. Love: Take a photo that shows love.
6. Fave smell: What smell do you adore? Coffee? Fresh fruit? Flowers? Show it in a photo.
7. Where you are: Show us where you went today.
8. Path: Snap a photo of a path – which could be any kind of surface.
9. 3 things: Take a photo of any 3 things you like.
10. Smooth: Find a smooth surface and take a photo.
11. I wore this!: What is something you wore today? You could share your whole outfit, or just a small part of it.
12. A bad habit: It can be yours or someone else’s habit. Share it.
13. 4 o’clock: Be it 4am or 4pm, share what you’re doing at 4 o’clock.
14. Edible: Take a photo of some that you eat or want to eat.
15. Outside the window: Look through the window and take a photo of what you see.
16. Bottle: A bottle is such a simple object, how can you show it in a photo and make it a little interesting?
17. Inspirational: What’s inspirational to you?
18. Number: Look around you, do you see numbers? Take a photo. They could be in signs, on your phone… anywhere.
19. Building: It could be your home, or a big sky-scraper if you’re lucky enough to be in the city. Share a building in a photo.
20. Hot: Just like the cold prompt, only hot. Will you take a photo of the weather, food, a flame?
21. Fave food: What food do you love? You can indulge today. I’ll let you!
22. Grey: Share a photo of something coloured grey.
23. I drew this!: Get creative! Draw something, take a photo and share it.
24. D is for…: Show a photo of something starting with the letter D.
25. Ground: Depending on where we live we have different surfaces on the ground; cement, grass, dirt… show us yours.
26. The everyday: The thing that I love about this challenge is that you can see beauty in the ordinary, so look around you, find something that you see most days and capture it in a photo.
27. Black + white: Take a photo in black + white – you could use a filter, or shoot something that actually IS black and white. Up to you!
28. This is new!: What’s something new in your life? Is it something newly created in your town? A new purchase? A new baby? Snap and share it.
29. Perspective: This is a photography technique. I’ll share how to shoot perspective in a blog post soon!
30. Friendship: This is our charity prompt. Share a photo of friendship.
31. Workspace: Show us your workspace!

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